Monday, April 27, 2015

Gen. Ed. Review

I think the gen. ed. program does need a big overhaul. I am glad to hear OU is considering that. Although, I do not know what direction they are going I know what I would like it to look like as a student. Personally, if you are not a major that requires science I believe there is no reason to take a science class. Many people who will never need science or have interest in science struggle in those classes a lot and it provides no help to them later in life. Going to law school and hoping to be a corporate attorney I am not sure when I will ever use geology, meteorology, or nutrition in my life. I learned more about meteorology by watching the weather growing up as a kid in Oklahoma than I did from my professor. Also, my geology TA was fired after my semester for failing too many kids as they had to correct the grades for our lab section just so we would all get Bs and Cs while all the other sections got As. English requirements are fine I believe along with math and history. However, the arts is another section that is troublesome. Understanding Music is one of the biggest jokes of a class I have ever been in. Glad to hear Boren is finally considering a change to the curriculum instead of just worrying how many national merits we can get to come to OU.

Speaking of Meteorology: Moore, OK
Source: Wikipedia 

1 comment:

  1. Hello again Bill!
    I agree with you about the general education course system here at OU. I don’t think it’s necessary to have to take a class completely unrelated to your major. Yeah, it’s beneficial to have an all-around knowledge of everything, but I think that should be up to the discretion of the students’ themselves if they want to take additional courses or not.
