Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Writing Review Week

I have taken some time to review all of the writing assignments from throughout the semester thus far. Comparing this semester of writing to my other works throughout high school and college was quite interesting. This is by far the most writing I have done in a long time on a consistent basis. I think when you are writing a shorter story like we often write it is easier to pick something and run with it, for example, in many of my stories character development has been a major focus. I feel like that has been a huge development for me as I have learned to analyze how an author develops certain characters throughout stories and what role they want the character to play in the development of the plot. Personally, I feel like that has been my favorite part of the class is getting to see how much my writing and analyzing skills have grown due to the application of them on a weekly basis.

The Ramayana: Sums up our semester so far
Source: Wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. Hey there!
    Glad to know your writing is improving so much from this class. That is always a rewarding feeling! Nice choice for your picture. Not only does it feature the Ramayana, but it is also this crazy busy scene which to me really represents what this class—and college in general—feels like sometimes! I am used to doing a lot of writing, but it is usually longer and more spread out. It is rather strange for me to adjust to writing frequent, short stories instead.
