Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 4: Reading Diary A

Buck introduces the story a little bit differently but dives straight into the detail after a couple of introductory pages. The part of the Buck reading I found interesting was the introduction Buck gave Ravana. Ravana as we already knew was able to defeat the gods, as well as the asuras, yakshas, rakshasas, and nagas. He could defeat all of these except for the humans because he had forgotten to ask for protection from the humans. Since he was able to defeat the gods he actually forced the gods to work in his palace as salves to him. The gods are not sure what to do so Indra, who Ravana challenged, was forced to ask Vishnu to incarnate himself as a human so that he would be able to defeat Ravana. Ravana could not be stopped as he caused damage throughout the land. Vaishravana was the one people looked to protect them, but when he sent an emissary to Ravana, Ravana ate him. Shiva eventually imprisoned Ravana but then let him go because of his great singing. The only one who appeared to be able to defeat Ravana was Kartavirya of the Haihayas who squeezed him with fifty of his arms. However, Ravana had to be saved by his grandfather. Ravana them continued to challenge others, starting with Yama. Yama was the god of death and even he was forced to surrender to Ravana. Ravana and then heads to the heavens where he is eventually wounded, however, Ravana’s son captured Indra and changed his name to Indrajit. While all of this was going on we have not yet witnessed the birth of Rama.
Source: Wikipedia

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