Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Storytelling: Week 4, Rama and Sita's Journey

            Rama was sitting alone awaiting the decision of his father regarding who would be king. However, he knew what the answer would be, and he was fully prepared to handle the situation. His bigger worry was how his father would handle it and how Sita, his love, would handle it. His father came to him in tears, and could not even form words when trying to explain to his son what he was forced to decide. Rama, however, knew the decision and explained to his father that he fully understood what was going and he should not be upset but instead enjoy the decision as Rama would enjoy his time away. Rama then had to focus on how he would explain to Sita that he had been expelled from the city in favor of his brother to take over the throne and that he, Rama, must go to the forest for fourteen years.

            Rama went to Sita; she seemed excited to hear about his father’s decision as she was sure he would be chose as the heir. Sita exclaimed, “Rama! Did your father inform you of his decision yet?” Rama did not seem so excited as he said his father had. Rama then answered, “Yes, he informed me just now and we must start gathering our things immediately”. This confused Sita, “Are we going to have to move into your father’s living quarters so quick? I am not ready to move all my things”. Rama then had to inform her, “Sita we will not be moving to the living quarters of the king but instead my brother has been chosen as king and I must go live in the forest for the next fourteen years. You are welcome to join me but I understand of course if you would like to remain here”. Sita was in shock, she could not believe what she was hearing, but after digesting the news she immediately informed Rama she would be going with him wherever he went even if it was to the forest for fourteen years.

            There next step was to figure out what all they needed and then what to do with everything they must get rid of, so Sita decided they would gather all their things and give them away to people of the city who needed them since they no longer would. They walked the streets together giving things away one by one. However, people were not well receiving of these gifts, as they were furious at the announcement of the king’s decision. Rama tried best he could to give everyone hope and reassurance that everything would be okay and he would be returning before anyone would notice he had left. When they had finally given away everything they owned they returned to tell Rama’s family goodbye before they departed.

            They returned to talk with Rama’s father and inform him that everything would be okay. Rama continued to tell his father that no one should be held responsible for this and everything would take care of itself over time. Rama had finally convinced his father and told everyone farewell except for one person he had not seen all day, his brother, the newly crowned heir to their father’s thrown. He knew his brother was not one to be out celebrating or boasting so he went in search of him. When he finally found him his brother was in tears, he did not want Rama to leave, in fact he wanted Rama to be king. He exclaimed what had happened with his mother and explained it was not his father’s fault. He did not know that Rama knew all of this already. Rama exclaimed that he and Sita must leave; therefore, they said their goodbyes and headed out to the forest. After he left the city changed forever, and it was just the next morning that everyone awoke to find Rama’s father dead. The kingdom would not be able to have Rama for another fourteen years.

Author's Note: For this story I just wanted to tell the story of what happened behind the scenes when Rama left with Sita. I also wanted to focus on the fact that he was the only person in the entire city who seemed to stay calm among all of the chaos surrounding the situation. The ability of him to have the ability to stay calm and know that this was part of the plan or that this was the best for him, Sita, and everyone else. Also, I think it is important that this would be the most important point in Sita and Rama's relationship as they journeyed off into the forest together. Since I have really enjoyed Rama's character, the inspiration was simply just another way to tell part of Rama's story and to portray him in a positive light as a very strong character. 

  • Narayan, R. K. (1972) The Ramayana.
  • Buck, William (1976). Ramayana: King Rama's Way. 

Rama and Sita during their first night in the forest
Source: Wikipedia


  1. I really like that you chose to elaborate on Rama’s exile. The steps, so to speak, of Rama and Sita leaving the kingdom was not brought up and your story elaborated on just how it all happened. It was such a tough decision for the King and you displayed that very well. This was such a wonderful story. Great job!

  2. I really liked how you stuck to the theme, yet added a few twists of your own (like Sita and Rama giving away the things they didn’t need to the people). That sounded very much like a Rama thing to do. I also liked how you didn’t overemphasize how much everyone argued with Rama to stay (for some reason that really got annoying for me in the books).

    A couple of suggestions that I came up with for your story are to set up the story a little bit more and to reread your story to edit it (there were only a few mistakes). I was a little confused on what the decision the king had made until your second paragraph.

    Good job!
